and Uncle Russell's visit this weekend!
Mommy and Ezzie, Big Boy!, Daddy and Ezzie, First Flight!
On Mondays and Friday's Ezzie gets to play with his friend Sam. I, Tam, watch the boys on Monday, and my friend Deb watches them on Friday while I go to work. I am working at Heartlight Ministries teaching/mentoring students who are their for counseling and guidance in dealing with hard issues. This is a place I have wanted to work at since I learned about it 2 years ago. I am really excited about how God has opened the door for me to serve at this place.
Ezzie and Auntie Sarah!, Cuddles with Ari!, Good Friends :), Uncle Matt with his perfect "Ezzie hold"
Jon and I are doing well here in Texas, and we are looking forward to another year here. Jon wants to continue working at LeTourneau, and I want to continue working at Heartlight. We also love our community of friends, and are excited to be able to have another year growing in friendship. One thing that is neat is that a lot of our friends have kids around Ezzie's age, so he has a lot of friends to play with. We are blessed to be here. Someday, however, we still want to get back to the West Coast to be near family, and to have more of a rugged outdoors environment, but we are happy to be here right now where we feel led.

Great-Grandma Harmon, Great-Nano, Nana and Papa, Grandma and Grandpa
This is kind of an overview, but there will be more to come that are not so "broad" in detail :)