We may not have a lot in terms of money, achievement, and objects, but we have so much when it comes to the quality of our relationships, our faith, and our joy even through the toughest of times. Sometimes it is really easy to look at what other people have, and wish we could afford more. This has really been a struggle for me, especially, with the arrival of Ezzie and the realization of the dream I had not even identified in having our own home at this point and a bedroom specifically set apart for our little one. At this point in time we are renting a little home, and Ezzie's room is shared with our office. But... I have been picking out the little things over the past month and mentally making a note to write about the things that have blessed us so much, even though they aren't what everyone else might see as meaningful. First off, we are renting a house.. a house that has become our home. We have a backyard, and a dog who has made me feel safe when Jon has been traveling, and who does keep us on our toes. Ezzie's room may be a baby room/office, but it feels warm. I love the starry fabric hanging across the ceiling above his bed, and the suggestion of my friend Esther to put twinkle lights between the ceiling and the fabric to make it even more starry :)

I love how God has blessed us with the means to get things just at the right time. For example, I was in Target and browsing through the baby clearance isle. I found a bed skirt for his crib for a couple of bucks that matched the quilt I was making him. A couple of months later, there was a crib set for more then 75% off.. and a steal.. that was really cute, and surprisingly matched the bed skirt.
I have been able to find the time to complete the quilt I began making for Ezzie before he is born, and he fills my heart with joy everytime he begins staring and smiling at it. The colors really capture his attention - something I hoped to do with the quilt :)
I love that we had a free turkey for Easter that we could share with our friends. I love having people over and making them feel welcomed. We just added a recliner to our living room, compliments of our friends, and this has helped to add more seating and make the living room look more "homey."
We recently were able to get a trailer for our bikes that Ezzie can ride in... this has helped us to find another way we can enjoy the outdoors (even with the humidity and mosquitos) with Ezzie.
Our little boy is healthy - and I love getting to know him... what he likes, dislikes, what makes him smile, laugh, and what draws his eye.
The herbs I planted are actually growing, and we may get some fresh greens here to spruce up our meals.
There are so many little things I am sure I miss in the day, and I am so grateful for God's provision for what we need, and His help in being content with all He has given us and allowed us to give to others.