So, our little guy turned 4 months! He is growing so fast, and learning quickly too! We have had some fun "firsts" this month. Ezzie laughed for the first time, began eating solid foods, went on his first bike ride, is holding things on purpose!, and is pulling himself up into a sitting position little by little! It is all very exciting :) Right now he is 13 pounds, 6.5 ounces. He is nearing double his birth weight (which will be 14lb, 2oz). We love getting to know our son. Right now he seems to prefer "seeing" us to "hearing" us. If he can't see us, even if he hears us, he usually will begin fussing until he can see our faces. He also loves bright colors, and stares at our airplane pillow cases, and the quilt mommy made for him. He fills our hearts with joy with his smiles, squeaks, and facial expressions :) Plus, he also just made it 10 hours without a feeding last night!

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