Tuesday, September 22, 2009

9 Months and September!


He is growing so fast! At the beginning of the month Ezzie was beginning to his trek towards crawling forwards. About 2 weeks ago he made a great breakthrough and began going forward pretty well. Now he is gaining speed and cruising along. I am amazed! He is also beginning to try finger foods. We are still waiting for his little teeth to poke through, and then he may be able to do better with the bigger chunks of food :)

We were able to take a small trip up to Little Rock - which I might add has the most amazing park! They have tunnels and cool playground equipment. If I was a kid I would have rated this the BEST park ever! We went up there to visit a little with my cousin Christina and my Uncle Russ. We only got to spend a couple of hours together over lunch, but it was such a great visit. I'm so glad Christina is moving to Nashville and will be closer than she was before :) She is such a great cousin and friend!

One of my favorite things this month is that Ezzie is now playing. Ezzie, up until now, has played with other people by taking their toys, and kids taking his toys. Well, he recently began playing chase and hide-and-seek. It all began with his friend Sam. Sam, who I have mentioned before, if 5 months older than Ezzie. He is running these days. He now runs away from Ezzie, who follows him crawling. It is hilarious! It made my heart so happy to see him playing with another kid and making this huge transition. Ezzie also likes to play chase and hide-and-seek with mommy and daddy. Below is a video of him playing hide-and-seek (the short version) with me.

This update is short, but I hope you like the pics and video :)


  1. LOVE LOVE LOVE the video! Oh, I hope we can see each other in person and enjoy the real thing soon. Loved talking yesterday, you are the best friend a person could ever have. Thanks for being such a great listener and encourager. Who could make it through Mommy-hood without friends??? :-)

  2. Shannon - I love you! I hope we can see each other soon. We may not be able to a while though.. we are using a lot of our miles to head to Annette's wedding in January... but soon - I'm sure!
