Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Another Miracle

Every time I see a baby being born or cared for, I tear up. Whenever I see a picture of a baby in-utero I get so excited, and also tear up. The whole process from conception to birth is amazing. A process that no human, in all of his/her intellect or strength could recreate.

Today we were met with worrisome news when we visited our midwife (atleast more to me than Jon :)). Our midwife couldn't find the heartbeat. She told us she wasn't too worried because my uterus was developing just fine. However, she did not want us to go home without hearing or seeing our baby's heartbeat. So, off to make an appt with the ultrasound technicians. At 2:30 today we had out appt. I was so excited when I saw a flicker of movement as the technician was measuring one of my ovaries - and of course, I teared up. Baby pi is so cute already. Pi was moving like crazy, and every time I laughed Pi would bounce to the top of my uterus, and then settle down to kick again.

Our original due date of September 28th has been moved up to the 20th based on growth. We'll see how little Pi develops. Who knows if Pi has a long torso like Ezzie, and simply is measuring big.

On another great note, before pics, I found out that my gestational diabetes tests came back clear! I am sure I will develop it at some point, but it is nice to know this is not the time :)

Picture 1: Profile

Picture 2: Head and hand. The hand is on the right of the head (as you are looking at the pic). Can't tell if the baby is waving or sucking his/her thumb - but the hands by the head thing is the same thing Ezzie used to do :)

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