Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Our little girl :)

Today we found out we are having a little girl!  Jon and I are both so excited.  I actually got tears in my eyes when the technician told us.  I was so sure we were having a boy.  I would have been happy with a boy.  I think I just wanted a girl a little more. 

In some ways I am a bit frightened.  I remember being this way with Ezzie too.  I felt uncomfortable having a boy, and then once he was here, I have become so used to raising a little boy.  I feel the same anxiety with a girl...  what do I do with her?  I know the answer is simpler than I make it.. I just have a gold medal in worrying.  Wish I got an honorary mention in that category in life!

Despite all the worry, I am already planning things in my head.  We went to JCPenney and got a few things, and then to Hobby Lobby to look at fabric for her crib things.  I am SO thrilled.  I am also planning little dresses to make, and even thinking about bows in her hair - something I have never even had an inkling of excitement over.

It does seems surreal, but it is real, and I am really happy.

Her due date is September 22nd, and we will announce her name then :)

Here are some super fun pictures of her:

The Proof:

One of my favorites:  Her feet.  She has them crossed at the ankles.  On the left you see her foot upside down, and on the right you see her little ankle behind the foot :)


  1. Congratulations, Tamryn! I'm so excited for you!! The doctor I'm with this month is expecting her 3rd boy...she cried when she found out. :) I'm sure it will be different, but God will give you the grace you need. And when she's 4, I can be her pediatrician :)

  2. Congratulations, Jon and Tamryn! I'm sure you'll do a great job raising your sweet girl.
