I'm tired this morning, and so is our entire household. Lina has been battling some kind of allergic reaction with hives, and just being off. I have been getting over a random virus I picked up a few days ago. The storm didn't help either. It woke everyone up, and Ezzie came to sleep with us.
However, as I laid holding Lina I couldn't help but be overwhelmed by how precious she is. How she is such a beautiful, sweet, gentle, funny, and loving gift. With her getting so big, we don't have these extended cuddle sessions where she just sleeps in my arms. The still happens more with Ezzie than with Lina - simply because he is not in a crib, and will come in during the middle of the night just to cuddle sometimes. These are the moments that both strip me of my rest, but refresh me with the reminder of how precious my kids are. The middle of the night cuddle speaks of tenderness to me.
Last night I was reminded of how precious these simple moments are. How the sacrifices Jon and I make as parents are blessings and gifts as well. I wouldn't trade this for anything... even a full day of sleep... as wonderful as that sounds right now :) My coffee will have to suffice for now :)
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