Lina is in a new stage where she is imitating her brother more, and her mother too I guess :), and trying new words. She also laughs more. She is starting to get joking - she thinks that her saying "dog," and me saying "cat" is absolutely hilarious.
As I was giving her a bath tonight in our kitchen sink, I loved just taking in the little girl she is becoming. While she can give me a run for my money in the stubborn category, she constantly draws me in with her tenderness, her laughter, and her humor.
As much as Ezzie is giving me a good workout in discipline, he wins me over with his gentleness, sweetness, and thoughtfulness.
This may sound strange - but when he had his first haircut, I had a meltdown. I think I may have blogged about it (?). Tonight Jon shaved his head. Rather than freaking out that he would become a punk-kid (yes, his first haircut really scared me), I found myself just staring at him, and smiling about how much I love my boy. He is growing up so fast.
I am trying to take in every moment with them. I know I can't carpe diem all the time - but, I sure as heck try to! I may not remember all of the moments with my kids, but that isn't what I want. I want to experience the moments with them - even if they do get forgotten. My mind seems to be getting worse with time :) There is something incredibly fulfilling about just experiencing life with my kids, rather than trying to remember everything. Anyways, here are some fun pics to end the day with.
Lina taking a bath
Ezzie and Lina standing together
Our Valentine's Day Pancakes
Ezzie making cookies with me (with his newly shaved head :))
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