Friday, February 3, 2012


There is something beautiful and life-giving about a person who is generous.  Generous in his/her time, kindness, resources, etc.  There is something that is contagious about a generous person.  I love that generosity implies a lack-of-strings attached, and a genuine desire to give.

I wish I could say that being generous is such a natural overflow for me - but it isn't.  It can be hard to give that $20, that extra hour, that moment of slowing down to help someone.  It can be hard to choose to have an attitude of giving, when I would rather be selfish.

There have been so many people who have challenged, encouraged and shaped my life in regards to being generous.  It is hard to face the ugliness of my selfishness, but it is so worth it.

Someone just recently gaves us an anonymous gift.  This gift could not have come at a more perfect time.  I have been completely humbled through this gift.  We don't deserve it.  I struggle with the fact that I especially don't deserve it, all things considered with the accident this past month, and some lovely miscalculations on my part (and I am the math person!).  I feel awkward and both completely grateful for the gift.  Overall, the concept of mercy and grace really is speaking to me in this.  I am humbled by whoever gave so much to us, and that God cared so much to provide this.

Jon and I live on one main income, and I teach a bit during the week.  While we do have little - especially compared to others around us - Jon and I strive to be generous.  

It is hard to put down in words the depth of my heart - how I have been so touched by another person's gift - how it makes me want to give to others - how it continues to change me and help me be less selfish.  I hope some of this has made sense.

To whoever chose to give to us - we are so thankful.  Your gift is more to us than what it is at face value - it really has touched our hearts.  Thank you for giving to us.  You are among the people who challenge us to love more, and give more.

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