Saturday, May 9, 2009


I knew that women often find themselves in emotional slumps after giving birth. I had moments of feeling down, but worked really hard to try to balance taking care of Ezzie and taking time for myself. However, I hit a patch about a month ago where I began feeling terrible and had daily bouts of crying. I was riding the fence between having baby blues and having postpartum depression. I am not sure about you all, but the thought of me getting it seemed impossible. Through a lot of support from Jon and friends, through talking with my nurse, and through not trying to do so much in the day, I have been able to really appreciate life and enjoy it more again.

The biggest challenge for me is to rest. I have this belief that I need to fulfill my checklist (which I tend to make very long) in order to be a good mom and wife. This isn't true - but as a mother who is staying home and not going back to working full-time, it is easy to buy into this belief. I have been meaning to write about this for a while, but just made the time. I just want to say thank you for supporting and encouraging me as I weather being a mom and figuring this all out. Without Jon, I am not sure I would have gotten through some of this - he is my best friend, and is so amazing in his love for me. I thank God each day for going beyond what I asked for in prayer, and giving me Jon.


  1. Hi friend! I'll be praying for you--I know this can be a rough time.

    I'm send you a big hug over Blogger :) Keep your head up and your eyes on Jesus! Happy Mother's Day!!!

  2. Oh, Tam! I totally understand! You are not alone in your feelings and you ARE a great mom. I have struggled too... Miss you my friend! Glad for our talks when we are able to fit it in between caring for our little ones.
