Monday, June 22, 2009

6 Months and Father's Day!

So, Jon had a very special Father's Day this year - Ezzie turned 6 months. We had a very relaxing day, and ended the day with Jon's favorite dinner that included Mac N' Cheese (obviously, it was made with Tillamock). We took a few pictures to commemorate the day. Ezzie is wearing his daddy's old shirt from when he was a baby.

Ezzie is becoming more and more captivated with the world around him. If there is anything new around, he will even refuse to eat just to take it all in. So, I find myself having to change the scenery fairly often when he is ready to eat. Ezzie is eating lots of fruits and vegetables, and sweet potatoes and applesauce seem to still be his favorite - though Apricots seem to be giving them a run for their money :)

(Here is Ezzie in his daddy's overalls, and a pair of shoes I made for him... I love creating things!)

On Father's Day Ezzie turned from his back to his belly when he was in his crib for naptime. He is developing so fast! He also is laughing more, and Jon taught me the trick to get him to giggle. He picks up on things pretty well too - when I show him raspberries (tongue vibrating - watch the video) he actually will imitate me. In this video he simply responded really cute :) He is also sitting up by himself! We stll put pillows around him, just in case, but he rarely needs them anymore!

We love that he still has bright blue eyes. I call him "bright eyes" and have since he was born. We are hoping they stay. His eyes remind me of my little brother's eyes. He has brilliant blue eyes. Ezzie also is getting blonder hair, and Jonathan had blond hair - so, who knows, maybe he is getting the recessive gene from my side, and Jonathan is the one he links to. He is such a joy. We hope you enjoy some of these pics, and these videos!

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