Saturday, January 28, 2012

Walking has FINALLY begun!

Lina is 16 months now... and took her first steps on her own 2 days back.  This mommy was ridiculously happy.  Finally!  Lina and Ezzie are very different (people talk a lot about your children being different from one another... so true!).  Ezzie was the child who would take a long time to learn things.  It took him a couple of months of rocking, crawling backwards, and throwing himself forward before he really crawled.  It took Lina a day.  However Ezzie began his crawling endeavors around 7 months.. Lina, right before her first birthday.  Verbal skills - the same way.  Ezzie practiced a lot.  Lina just began blabbing one day.  So, this whole walking things is not too much of a surprise.

While I do love cuddling with my sweet girl, I have to say that I am tired of not going outside without too much mess.  It is wet outside.  It would be SO nice if she could just walk so she could run around outside with her brother.  Plus the chances of her losing shoes would be lessened... yes, we are in that stage of her losing her shoes :(  I am SO looking forward to her being a walker!

Lina began walking when we were hanging out with our friends - the Bulgriens.  Kim caught it on film.  We laughed the most at the end of the movie.  Lina kind of just rolls over when she is done walking - she cracks me up.

We hope you enjoy this!

1 comment:

  1. Lina is such a cutie! Hopefully we'll catch up with your family one of these days in person. Nice work on walking, Lina!
