Thursday, July 12, 2012


I posted a picture of a 12 week-old fetus, and a friend of mine shared it on her page.  I was really impacted by how perfectly formed a 12 week-old fetus is.  I was also struck, once again, by the confusion people have as to whether a baby is a blob of cells at this point, or a baby.  To me, it is simple.  However, not everyone is me.

One woman commented about the post being anti-choice.  After thinking through what to say, I realized that, no, this wasn't about being anti-choice - it was about educating people on the choices they make.

I began thinking about what abortions entailed as a 9th grader.  I did a presentation, and honestly, I am not sure how I stomached it.  Maybe not really having the internet and accessible pictures saved me - or maybe I was just more insensitive to that kind of stuff before.

Anyways, I digress.

I really walked away from a small facebook conversation wondering how much of a battle is placed because people try to tell others they cannot make their own choices.  I know when someone tells me I can't make a choice it infuriates me - in my mind they have no right to tell me what I can and cannot choose.

I wonder how much the pro-life, or should I say anti-abortion, movement has fueled this fire.

To me, pro-life is not the equivalent of anti-abortion.  Being pro-life entails valuing people through respect, kindness, and fairness.  I believe in justice, being firm, issuing consequences, etc., but when you value others it is shown in your attitude and how you interact with them.  Being anti-abortion is simply being against abortion.  As shown through so many demonstrations and actions, and simply how people live towards others, it is sadly obvious that there are many people who are against abortion, but not for life.

People have choices, and others do not have the right to tell them they cannot make choices.  However, this does not mean that people do not have consequences for their choices - both good and bad.

Just like my children have consequences, so do I as an adult.  Sometimes the consequences in my life are beautiful, sometimes I want to run away from them, because they feel horrible.  However, they are mine, and I need to live with them and through them.  I also need to realize my choices impact others, and consider this when making them.  I am not an island.  However, when I make choices, and have consequences, both good and bad, I need others to walk with me.

While I am not a proponent of abortion, I would not turn my back on someone because they had an abortion or were considering it.  To be truly pro-life, and have life as a consequence of my choices, I choose to love others - even if I don't understand.  Even if I don't agree.  There is a no formula for how this works, and I can't say I would never or always ________, but if I am a true valuer of life - this will be what drives my decisions and how I interact/treat others.

It is hard to really value life and others.  I do wonder how much more people actually valuing others would impact them than people trying to prove their point through acts that demoralize, disrespect, unnecessarily hurt, and devalue others.

There are so many more issues than abortion.. there is neglect, abuse, acts of hatred, etc.  If we really valued one another, I think these issues would be null.  Sadly, this is not a reality for our world - which makes me sad.  But, hey, I can impact my small world around me.  I'm not perfect, but I love the best I can, and work hard to value others.

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